Tuesday, May 12, 2015

EOC week 6: Deeper meaning of the film BIG

After watching the film Big, develop a 300 word blog answer the following question:
What marketing research methods were demonstrated in the film?

I have seen this Movie “Big” several times over the years and have enjoyed it because it always made me feel good. After watching the short scenes today in class it made me aware of the value of having fun while marketing new products. I didn’t look at it from a marketing perspective before just entertainment. It seemed to show the comparison of the different marketing techniques that were being used in this story. One of the first ones I recognized being used was exploratory research. Defined as, Researchers usually undertake exploratory research with the full expectation that more research will be needed to provide more conclusive evidence.” (Zikmund 44)

Tom Hanks plays the role of a 13 year old boy who wishes he was bigger and wakes up in a young adult’s body. When he gets a job with a toy company he is given the position of researcher for the company. His friend can't believe that he gets paid to test toys. This new perspective for the company causes chaos for the employees that go by the old market methods in the book. They are used to analyzing annual reports and demonstrating growth for the company with charts and diagrams.

 The store owner is doing his own research hands on at his store on the weekends when he stumbles on Josh, an adult (Tom Hanks) playing with the toys. When he is playing with the toys he discovers the pros & cons and creates new ideas for toys in the company. He is actually researching and not even knowing that is what he is doing. He helps the company to re-evaluate their product sales to make a better profit.

Cited Work:

Zikmund, William G., Barry Babin. Essentials of Marketing Research, 4e, 4th Edition. Cengage Learning, 04/2009. VitalBook file.

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